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Magic Concepts

Magic Concepts Media amazes, engages, and motivates through the playful interaction and sensory pleasure.

" La mémorisation est plus efficace par la combinaison de notre tête, notre cœur et nos mains. "

C'est magique !

Magic Concepts étonne, accroche et motive par l'interaction du jeu et du plaisir sensoriel. La surprise et la joie de l'expérience éclaire et colore le message envoyé, ce qui le rend plus mémorisable. Des études montrent que si vous impliquez vos mains pendant le traitement des informations par votre cerveau cela triple le taux de mémorisation et double la vitesse de mémorisation.

Cela permet aussi une forte visibilité de votre message sur le lieu de travail. Pendant des réunions, au téléphone ou pendant des pauses le cube magnétique se retrouve toujours dans les mains de quelqu’un.

Et comme le pédagogue suisse Johan Heinrich Pestalozzi, a dit il y a déjà 200 ans "L'apprentissage est plus efficace avec la tête, le cœur et la main."

Magic Concepts Media amazes, engages, and motivates through the playful interaction and sensory pleasure.
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7 Things to know about the effectiveness of Magic Concepts

Magic Concepts Radiating Effect 
Radiating Effect 

The Magic Concepts Cube represents a source of brand interaction that has earned its name. Its high-precision manufacture and high-quality appearance communicate the quality of your brand to users. The desire to play and explore ensures 100% attention and intensive interaction with your message.

Magic Concepts Generating Desire
Generating Desire


The endowment effect creates a desire for possession. Scientific studies reveal that physical interaction with an object increases appreciacion. The user makes your message their own and ‘takes possession of it’.

Magic Concepts Lasting Impact
Lasting Impact
Magic Concepts Social Multiplication
Social Multiplication
Magic Concepts Playfully Grasping the Meaning
Playfully Grasping the Meaning

A Magic Concepts product boasts and exceptionally high retention period in the field of view of its owner, who likes to hold it and play with it time and again. In the case of a Magic Concepts calendar, this period is at least 12 months and usually even longer.

Anyone who has a folding cube likes to show it to colleagues and friends. People pass it around and talk about it, indirectly spreading your message through personal recommendation.

Magic Concepts Manifold Options
Manifold Options




The Magic Concepts cube offers plenty of design options. It can present products, act as a calendar and generate curiosity as a mailshot supplement. But it can also tell stories, serve as an invitation, communicate values and express gratitude.

The desire to play and focus attention generates positive motions, openness and the willingness to get involved in something. Users understand your message more quickly and remember it more positively.

Magic Concepts Multisensory Boost
Multisensory Boost




Touch. Click. See. There mutually reinforcing perception channels increase the neural activity of the user’s brain by up to 1000%. Every time the user folds the cube, it increases message perception and retention.

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